Savoring Life as a Child of God part 3

May 7, 2017 Speaker: Jack Jenkins Series: Ephesians

Passage: Ephesians 5:1–7


1. First, we are to savor our IDENTITY. (vv. 1-2)

2. Second, we are to savor our PURITY. (vv. 3-4)

3. Third, we are to savor our SECURITY. (vv. 5-7)

   What is denied idolaters is an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God!

   Not only are idolaters denied an inheritance; they're also assured of God's wrath! (v. 6)

   1) We constantly need to be reminded that the one grand end and object of Christianity and of salvation is to make us holy.

   2) We need to be reminded that we have a tendency to not apply the Christian faith to ourselves, but to be content to enjoy it in a theoretical manner.

   3) We need to be reminded that our Christianity and profession of faith is to show itself in every detail of our life.

   4) Lastly, we need to be reminded that the Christian life is a fight of faith!

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