Faith Baptist Church Building Use Policy
In accordance with our desire to exercise faithful stewardship with all that God has entrusted to our care, The Elders and Deacons of Faith Baptist Church (FBC) are happy to provide limited use of the church facilities (up to 4 hrs.) to our members for personal and family events without requiring payment. The areas available for use are the Fellowship Hall and/or the Family Room. The Sanctuary is restricted from such use. Acceptable activities and events are those which correspond to the vision and mission of FBC as contained in our Constitution and By-Laws. The Elders reserve the right to determine, at their discretion, if a proposed use is appropriate.
This free use policy is applicable only to FBC members in good standing.
Again, with a view toward faithful stewardship, we also ask that you show proper respect for the facilities while you use them, and that you leave them in the condition in which you found them. All areas used must be properly cleaned, lights and air-conditioning turned off, and doors locked and properly shut. This is absolutely necessary in order for us to be able to continue offering this limited use policy for our church family’s enjoyment.
Any party desiring to use the Sanctuary (for weddings, seminars, etc.) and/or desiring to use any part of the building for more than 4 hours will be charged according to the rates indicated below. Again, approved activities will correspond to the vision and mission of FBC according to the discretion of the Elders of FBC.
The use of the Sanctuary and/or any part of the church for weddings and/or receptions will be allowed only for FBC members in good standing (and family members at the request of such a member).
Procedures and requirements for requesting and reserving the facilities for any purpose are as follows.
A. Procedures
Every event request should be submitted through the Church Secretary at least two weeks in advance for approval. Additionally, for the cleaning requirements see the Church Secretary; for any use of the Sanctuary (for example weddings, seminars, etc.) and/or any vision clarification see the elders.
B. Priority
Reservations for facilities will be accepted on a first-come, first-served system. The deacons reserve the right to prioritize if multiple requests are received for the same date. Any person desiring to use the facility must follow the process which the deacons have delineated. We desire to allow the members of FBC to use the facilities whenever possible. In order to avoid scheduling conflicts, and reasonably accommodate those who desire to use the building, we can only reserve the facilities for those who have followed the procedure.
C. Rules and Restrictions
1. Events must be concluded by 10:00 p.m. unless permission is granted by the deacons.
2. The property must be treated with the respect of ownership. Specific rules to enforce this more specifically may be added for any group. This includes any food or dress. No food or drink allowed in the sanctuary.
3. No animals or pets are allowed in the building unless otherwise needed for physical impairment assistance or must be approved by the deacons.
4. No wall decor is to be removed, unless approved by the deacons. No tacks, nails, staples, or pins are to be used on the walls, furniture, or musical instruments. The use of tape of any kind on the pews is strictly prohibited.
5. The placing of flowers, plants, or candles on any sound equipment or musical instruments is strictly prohibited.
6. Faith Baptist Church will not be responsible for providing musicians, serving utensils, plates, cloths, towels, or trash bags. Any use, damage, or loss of these items is the sole responsibility of the party using the facilities.
7. The person making the reservation is responsible to see that all guests comply with the Guidelines for Usage.
8. Use of Faith equipment- sound, projector, computers, etc. is restricted to church staff and officers.
9. Use of non-Faith equipment is done at your own risk. Faith shall not be held liable for any loss or damage to equipment or personal property of the reserving group.
10. A deacon will assign a person to each event needing unlock/lockup for security purposes.
11. Finding Soloist, Pianist, Organist, and Pastor, in addition to any honorariums are the responsibility of the bride and groom.
D. Rates
Sanctuary Fellowship Hall Family Room Upstairs Classroom Additional Upstairs Classroom Nursery Additional Nursery Rooms Custodial Sound Technician |
Members* $200 $135 $40 $75 $20 $45 $12 $100 $125 |
Non-members $400 $275 $90 $150 $40 $90 $25 $100 $125 |
*- Member rates are not charged when less than four hours and the procedure for reservation is followed.