Our Sunday School classes run from 9:15-10:10am every Sunday morning. We have classes available for all ages. Below is a list of our current classes.


We are currently studying "The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment" by Jeremiah Burroughs. Join us for this time of study in the Fellowship Hall!



Middle/High School

This class will be working through a curriculum developed by Faith Reformed Baptist in PA called "To Be Like Jesus (Middle School/High School): New Testament Survey." Join us in the Resource Center at 9:15am.


Children (7-11 years old)

This class is doing a study through a curriculum by Truth:78 called, "The ABC's of God".  


Children (2-6 years old)

This class is using the Children Desiring God curriculum put out by Desiring God. The children are consistently presented with the greatness of the God we serve and are encouraged to worship Him. 

children desiring God